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Leaveraging our decades of management experience throught Europe, US and Asia, we partner with companies to build their businsses nationally and globally.


What we are looking for:


  • Businesses with proven success in at least one country;

  • Businesses that can easily be quickly scaled up primarily by investing in sales;

  • Businesses with innovative products or approach not present already in large scale on the markets.


What we bring:


  • We build, run and finance businesses, working in partnerships

  • Decades of experience in management , building successful manfuactuering and sales enterprises

  • Use of our network of companies and partners both as co-investors, suppliers and customers.


Please contact us and tell us about your business


Start-Up Opportunities

© 2015 by GD Group Investments SA

18 Rue de l'Eau, 1449 Luxembourg

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